Success lies in Information Intelligence

Success lies in Information Intelligence

By Roh Krishnan

Separately — we know what the two words mean.

Information intelligence is simply intelligence that is derived from a documents. Fundamentally, this is what we do with Unity Central.

But how? Because it’s in the ‘how’ that lies the light bulb moment. Especially for all companies struggling to get a handle on the vast information flow within their organizations.

We have initially seen information intelligence being a tremendous asset to business leaders, specifically in Supply Chain.

Prior to that, the focus was, and has always been to build a data mapped and modeled platform to enhance the interaction with information. (Disconnected information as it pertains to visibility and processes).

Through the process of developing and finding a market fit, our initial assumptions were proven right. Processes are indeed, heavily reliant on a ‘trail of documents’.

The problem lies in the fact that this proverbial trail is really much like a congested freeway in Los Angeles.

How can we make the sea of documents and words make sense?

I use the word document very generally, meaning a document could be a pdf or an email or a structured document that is generated from an ERP system. And you may have all the information (somewhere), but it may be really hard to find like looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack.

An informed, ‘intelligent’ decision is literally a choice that individuals make once they have all the information related to the decision topic.

Now scope that out to the enterprise level. In business, you may not have the luxury or the time to make every decision with ALL the information, every time, or at least that was the thinking until we showed them Unity Central.

Unity Central creates information intelligence for you by unifying information, processes, and systems.

With structure in place, suddenly things are revealed.

Suddenly you can find the information you need like an invoice number or a specific purchase order amongst thousands of documents and records in seconds.

You can then tether the documents to all of your processes — no matter how complicated and far reaching. Allowing you and your supply chain team to design your perfect scenario and model out what a chain of documents should look like. Once that happens — for example, what is the perfect chain of signals for an order, and when you go live your model hits the runway.

This is supposed to represent the crux of digital transformation

The model like any plan, it is just that, a plan.

In sports, you can have the best game plan imaginable — and we often see how that turns out.

The 49ers certainly learned through their experience in the 2024 Super Bowl — the best laid plans don’t always work out and you need to manage the exceptions.

In Unity Central, you can execute your model, and because it works with a document chain (or document trail as mentioned earlier) — picking up (preemptive) signals, allowing you to detect anomalies, manage exceptions faster than you ever could before.

It is the signals that are picked up via this chain monitoring that allows for information intelligence.

Manage by exception and sit back knowing that your information is aggregated and assembled giving you the perception to know that if you need to intercede or make a decision — you will have all the right data — and that’s when you start to build immense value for your organization.

Decide Fast. Create Value. Activate your Information Intelligence.

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